Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Updated Lab Schedule

Dear Students

Find the updated lab schedule as below.

Good Luck!

Be cautious that groups B1a and B1b are combined and should come at 2:00 pm and leave at 3:30.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Important Notice - Evaluation session

Dear All Students

According to the schedule we will have our first evaluation session during next week on Tuesday (25 August) and Thursday (27 August).
The session will be conducted on the same time of your lab session. Be in the lab exactly on time.
There will be two sets of questions, theoretical and experimental, and each member of each group should be able to answer every question. Other members are not allowed to help him, so all of you should be prepared. However the marking will be based on overall group skills.
The evaluation is only oral and your are not allowed to use any note, lab-sheet or any text books. Be prepared and read the lab sheets for the past five experiments carefully.
This evaluation marks has a great impact on your total final marks. Inform your friend to read this notice.

Hope to see you well prepared on the day.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Deadline for report submission

Dear Students

Due to semester break announcement, the deadline for submission of lab reports are as followed:

Group A: August 11, 2009

Group B: August 13, 2009

Happy holiday & Take good care

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Subject of the e-mail for report submission

Dear students

Please be advised that in order to avoid your e-mail being spammed, all groups which want to submit their reports via e-mail should follow the format below in the subject of the e-mail they send.

LAB_G(name of the group)_EX(number of experiment)

for example group B2a wants to submit a report for Impact test , which is Experiment 6, it should put the subject as:


Hope you find it clear.

Good Luck!

Pre-Lab Assignment for Impact Test (Experiment 6)

Dear Students

As we changed the creep test with Impact test for the first period of our lab, you can find the pre-lab assignment of Impact test as followed.

Good Luck!

A change in schedule

Dear Students

As specimens of creep test have not been ready, we will change Experiment 2 with Experiment 6 (Impact test). Don't worry about the pre-lab assignments.

See you in the lab.

Good Luck!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Pre-Lab Assignments

Dear Students.
Find Pre-Lab assignments for Experiments as below.

Good Luck!